I thought I'd share some of my photos from the last days at school. It was a really lovely end to 5 years of boot camp. This is my friends in Abbey and I before house supper on the friday night.
Freya had a beautiful vintage dress she bought in London and she did my hair with one of those bun donuts which I really liked. My dress was my sister's and it was from topshop. I painted the flowers on my head myself, they were from Primarche.
Me and the cousins from America. They came to my speech day and enjoyed having a picnic by the cricket.
This is my sister Amy and little Lucy in her sunglasses.
This is Lucy in mine.
Dad, Amy and I before the ball :)
Superstar football hero Johnny Gorman and myself, both mimicking his camera face. My dress here is from Warehouse with Asos sandals.
Everyone in my year on the steps of Pears School.
Will and I at drinks in the Garth.
Me trying on Somerset's hat. Yes his name is Somerset.
Hhaha the photograph ladies made us stand on the steps looking in different directions for some reasons!
Goodbye Repton and hello to the new chapter of my life, lets hope everybody achieves what they aim for awwww. I know I certainly will, my aim is to be living in a caravan with 8 kids and a donkey named camel.
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